
Voice Message ServiceVoiBoy®

  • Registered Trademark 4392292
  • Registration Design 1032995
  • Registered Trademark 4242217

The proposal of use of VoiBoy®for embassies


A VoiBoy user receives Identification tag and records individual message.
VoiBoy computers tell us this message by telephone when he become sick or meets an accident.

Applicant applies for VoiBoy service at Embassy.He can records any messages freely,however we recommend to record basic information such as applicant name,contact address,chronic disease and address of Embassy.

Applicant receives a pendant(ID tag)when registration is completed.Identification tag contains Voiboy service telephone number,registration number and PIN number. Applicant is requested to wear a pendant every day,as it is necessary to retrieve recorded message.

The contents of a message can be registration into a computer both in a sound and a character.The telephone line is connected to the computer.

When in emergency situation,the first discoverer,such as emergency staffs,medical staffs and the police persons calls Voiboy service telephone number through the wearing pendant.

When a person who calls Voiboy service telephone number,inputs a registration number and a personal identification number from the pendant followed by voice guidance,recorded messages can be retrieved in Japanese.From the recorded message,a caller can find his name,a disease,a contact address,etc.and he can be coped with an emergency situation effectively.

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